FBM-sync is a reverse sync operation that will update Amazon inventory based on orders placed on Shopify.
When FBM-sync is activated, the app will monitor each order placed on Shopify. If a paid order is detected, then for each line item SKU in the order, the app will decrement inventory on Amazon for matching SKU(s). Only FBM SKUs that are linked via the Connectr app will be updated on Amazon. FBA inventory on Amazon will be unchanged.
To activate FBM-sync goto Connectr dashboard > Settings > Sync > Activate FBM-sync.
- FBM-sync is a paid add-on feature that is priced at $6/month for unlimited orders.
- Once an order is placed on Shopify (and marked as paid) it can take up to 15 minutes to update Amazon. In most cases, the inventory is updated within 3 minutes.
- Important- Inventory on Amazon gets updated when:
- an order is placed on Amazon marketplace
- inventory is manually edited via Seller Central dashboard
- via third-party apps such as Connectr
In each case, the inventory changes can take up to 15 minutes to take effect in the Amazon database. While the inventory is being processed, if there is another update on the same SKU there could be a conflict resulting in an inaccurate inventory update. Hence, we recommend manually reconciling FBM inventory on a timely basis, especially for fast-moving items.
FBM-sync is a beta feature. Please report issues and suggestions by raising a ticket here.